Arakawa Under the Bridge is a Japanese manga series created by Hikaru Nakamura. The manga was first serialized in the Japanese seinen manga magazine Young Gangan starting December 3, 2004. An anime adaptation by Shaft was broadcast in Japan starting in April 4, 2010 on TV Tokyo. A second season, titled Arakawa Under the Bridge*2, begin airing in Japan in October 2010.
Synopsis: In the dry riverbed of Arakawa River, undefeated elite Ichinomiya Kou (aka Rick) met the lovely homeless girl Nino, a self-declared Venusian. Their awkward love stirs up trouble among the other strange inhabitants of the riverbed.
Set in Arakawa, Tokyo, the series tells the story of Kou Ichinomiya, a man who has accomplished many things all by himself. Ever since he was little, his father has taught him one rule: to never be indebted to another person. One day by accident, he falls into the Arakawa River and almost drowns. A girl by the name of Nino rescues him and in return he owes her his life. Unable to accept the fact that he is indebted to her, he asks her about a way for him to repay her. In the end she tells him to love her. This is the beginning of Kou's life living under a bridge. However, as Kou starts to learn, Arakawa is a place full of weirdos and all of the people living under the bridge are what society would call, bums.
Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge 12
Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge 09
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